
This page is about the different ideas, perspectives and theories of life. Please be respectful because there may be things you don't agree with. This is a place for open discussion /debate.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Why Can't Boys Cry?

Why can't boys cry?
Why are they not allowed to
experience the joy of letting their emotions
run free without the fear of beinf called names?
Why can't boys cry;
just to stop the pain
that's tearing them apart on the inside;
While they hide it with rock-like emotions?
Why is it that they are told to
Never cry because "men don't cry",
yet further down the road
These boys are scoled for being emotionless?
These boys are are programmed to be emotionless
Because being a man requires them to be "strong"
and men believe that crying
Is a sure sign of weakness in a man.
It's funny how women see a man's cry as beautiful,
Yet turn around and call him weak at the tip of a hat.
They ridicule him and question his manhood
Just for the price of a few tears.
So why can't boys cry?


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